The Innov4-ePiK consortium brings together key partners from the health and fundamental research sectors to ensure the success of this program. Here, you can learn more about the main contributors driving the project forward.
The Innov4-ePiK project gathers together expert teams from diverse fields to ensure the achievement of its goals. Meet the talented teams and scientists shaping the project’s vision and impact.
Edor Kabashi, PhD – Rima Nabbout, MD, PhD
Edor Kabashi, PhDRima Nabbout, MD, PhD Translational research for neurological disorders The lab Translational research for neurological disorders and his team has developed a number of zebrafish models […]
CollaboratorsNicolas Garcelon, PhD
Nicolas Garcelon has an engineer degree in agronomy (2000) and a PhD in public health medical informatics (2017). Since 2012, he directs the data science platform of the […]
CollaboratorsNicolas Lévy, MD, PhD
Chief scientist rare diseases Nicolas Lévy, MD, PhD, is a clinician and Professor of Human and Medical Genetics, who has been committed to patients affected with rare diseases […]
CollaboratorsMichel Le Van Quyen, PhD
Michel Le Van Quyen has been working at Inserm since 2000 on the modelization and mathematical analysis of brain activity. He joined the Brain and Spinal Cord Institute […]
CollaboratorsNicole Chemaly, MD, PhD
Pediatric neurologist specialized in pediatric epileptology, with a specific interest in DEE and genetic epilepsies, I work in the French reference center for rares epilepsies since 2010. My […]
CollaboratorsGaëtan Lesca, MD, PhD
PU-PH at the Medical Genetic departments of the HFME, Pr Gaëtan Lesca is specialized in the molecular diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders and in particular of epilepsies. His research […]
CollaboratorsFabrice Wendling, PhD – Pascal Benquet, PhD
Fabrice Wendling, PhDPascal Benquet, PhD Pr. Fabrice Wendling is an internationally recognized expert in neuro- inspired computational models of epilepsy. He has proposed models from small-scale networks (detailed […]
CollaboratorsAnne de Saint-Martin, MD
Neuropediatrician involved in clinical research for a long time, Dr Anne de Saint Martin is also coordinator of the HUS as part of the CRéER center. Her fields […]
CollaboratorsMounir Tarek, PhD
Tarek’s lab investigates various aspects of the function of voltage-gated channels involved in the propagation of the nervous impulse. They do so at a molecular level using atomistic […]
CollaboratorsMassimo Mantegazza, PhD
The Institute of Molecular and Cellular Phamacology (IPMC) is part of the CNRS Biological Sciences Institute, and is affiliated with CNRS (UMR7275), Inserm (U1323) and Université Côte d’Azur, […]
CollaboratorsChiara Guerrera, PhD
Chiara Guerrera, PhD, Chiara Guerrera is currently the Scientific Director of the Precision Medecine Proteomic Lab and the Proteomics platform at INSERM US24 in Paris. She has over […]
CollaboratorsFragkiskos Malliaros, PhD
Fragkiskos Malliaros is an Associate Professor (HDR) at CentraleSupélec, Paris-Saclay University, working in the Center for Visual Computing, and the OPIS team of Inria Saclay. His research interests span the broad area of data science, […]