The French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) is France’s leading public research institution and one of the largest fundamental research organizations in Europe. Founded on October 19, 1939, it operates under the supervision of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The CNRS conducts research across diverse scientific disciplines, including life sciences, physics, chemistry, social sciences, and humanities. Its mission is to expand knowledge, foster innovation, and address societal challenges through excellence in science. With over 33,000 personnel, including researchers, engineers, and technicians, the CNRS collaborates with universities and research institutions in France and around the world.
Mounir Tarek, PhD
Tarek’s lab investigates various aspects of the function of voltage-gated channels involved in the propagation of the nervous impulse. They do so at a molecular level using atomistic [...]
CollaboratorsMassimo Mantegazza, PhD
The Institute of Molecular and Cellular Phamacology (IPMC) is part of the CNRS Biological Sciences Institute, and is affiliated with CNRS (UMR7275), Inserm (U1323) and Université Côte d’Azur, [...]