Edor Kabashi, PhD
Rima Nabbout, MD, PhD

Translational research for neurological disorders

The lab Translational research for neurological disorders and his team has developed a number of zebrafish models for the major ALS genes to define novel pathogenic pathways and showed how Zebrafish models can be useful in pathophysiology and for identifying therapeutic strategies. Recently, the team has collaborated with clinical and fundamental experts in the field of epileptic disorders and has published extensively and received multiple grants and awards (100+ publications, ERC Consolidator, 3 ANR, Atip-Avenir, AFM and ARSLA grants).

Edor Kabashi, PhD - Innov4-epik Collaborators

Edor Kabashi, PhD


Pr Rima Nabbout- Innov4-epik Coordination

Rima Nabbout, MD, PhD