Nicolas Garcelon, PhD - Innov4-epik Collaborators

Nicolas Garcelon, PhD

Nicolas Garcelon has an engineer degree in agronomy (2000) and a PhD in public health medical informatics (2017). Since 2012, he directs the data science platform of the Imagine Institute. His research is about medical informatics and artificial intelligence for rare diseases. He developed Dr. Warehouse®, a hospital data warehouse that allows physicians to visualize, mine and analyze patient data intuitively and efficiently. He co-created in 2017 the startup codoc.

Accelerating the re-use of hospital real world data for a learning healthcare system.

Data Science Platform

The “data science” support team was created at the Imagine Institute in 2012, and has been labeled data science platform in 2017. The platform is made up of four IT engineers. The platform develops methods to accelerate translational research between doctors and researchers, between the hospital and the institute. We create software allowing the storage and analysis of patients’ phenotypic data.