University of Rennes
The University of Rennes has a strong reputation in mathematics, physics, and medical technology, consistently ranking in the top 300 in these fields (Shanghai ranking). The Signal and Image Processing Laboratory (LTSI) is focused on epilepsy research, combining electrophysiology, signal processing, computational neuroscience, and clinical approaches.
The Cinetyks (DynamiCs of braIn NETworks, dYsfunctions and neuromarKerS) team, led by Pr Wendling and labeled by Inserm, has been researching human epilepsies for 20 years and has developed neuro-inspired computational models of epilepsy at multiple levels of description. The team works closely with the CHU of Rennes and industrial partners to translate their research into practical solutions.
The project GALVANI (ERC-Syn 2020-26) is intended to improve the care of adult patients with drug-resistant epilepsy in whom brain surgery cannot be indicated due to low benefit/risk ratio. The know-how of LTSI on the development of neuro-inspired multiscale models is used both in the GALVANI project and in the INNOV4-ePiK project.
Fabrice Wendling, PhD – Pascal Benquet, PhD
Fabrice Wendling, PhDPascal Benquet, PhD Pr. Fabrice Wendling is an internationally recognized expert in neuro- inspired computational models of epilepsy. He has proposed models from small-scale networks (detailed [...]