Coordination of the Innov4-ePiK project

Project coordination

Pr Rima Nabbout- Innov4-epik Coordination

Pr. Rima Nabbout

Rima Nabbout has been a professor of Paediatric Neurology since 2014, and the director of the National Centre for Rare Epilepsies since 2006 at Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital. She received a MD in 1990, a Ph.D. in Neurosciences in 2003, and a « Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches » (Accreditation to supervise research) in 2010. More recently, she holds a research and academic position at Institut Imagine in the team “Translational Research for Neurological Diseases” where she leads the epilepsy research program.

Universite Paris Cite - Innov4-epik Partner

Paris Cité University

Professor of paediatric neurology
Coordinator of inter-universitary diploma in paediatric neurology

AP Hopitaux De Paris - Innov4-epik Partner

Necker-Enfants malades Hospital

Director of the reference centre for rare epilepsies
Founder member and member of EPICARE
Work package leader ERDERA program

Logo Institut Imagine - Innov4-epik Partner

Institut Imagine, UMR1163

Coordinator of Innov4-ePiK program
Director of the GEEN-DS Chair
Epilepsy research program leader

In parallel of these activities, she is profoundly involved in different aspects of the rare diseases policy to improve the patient healthcare management at the national, European, and international level. She is the President of the scientific committee of the French National Bank for Rare Diseases (BNDMR) since 2019, member of 3 international leagues against epilepsy (ILAE) task forces, member of the scientific committee of the French chapter of the ILAE, as well as a founding Member of the steering committee of EPICARE (European research network on rare epilepsies) since 2017 and Pillar 4 (accelerating therapies and innovation in rare diseases) co-leader for the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP-RD). She is also a member of the SAME IRDIRC task force on shared molecular etiologies and I participated to FP6, FP7 and Horizon 2020 EU projects. To date, she is currently coordinating two European projects, IDEAL-EPISTOP and i-Store (EJP-RD), a RHU (national granted project in the frame of France 2030) named Innov4-ePiK and co-ordinating ERDERA and RealiseD programs. Finally, she has been acted as a PI for major international trials on epilepsies and rare epilepsies clinical trials lead by the industry.